Peace finally return to Sagamu, as cult groups plead for forgiveness - The People's Voice


Saturday, January 13, 2024

Peace finally return to Sagamu, as cult groups plead for forgiveness

By Kayode Ojelabi, Abeokuta

Two cult groups, Neo Black Movement, popularly called 'Aye' and National Association of Airlords also known as 'Eiye' Confraternity, Sagamu chapter, have both written letters of apologies to the Akarigbo and Paramount ruler of Remoland, Oba Adewale Babatunde Ajayi, asking Remo traditional rulers to forgive them of their past wrong doings.

The two groups in separate letters, addressed to the Paramount ruler and gone viral on social media, pleaded for mercy, promising never to hurt the peace of the town again, but abide by the rules and regulations of the country which guarantees safety of life and properties.

While the letter of Eiye Confraternity was dated December 22, 2023 that of Aye was dated December 26.

The Eiye Confraternity in its letter titled, "Letter of Apology", and signed by Supreme Most Eiye Confraternity, read, "We the above name association of Sagamu chapter, hereby apologies to everyone in the community as we are ready to operate and follow any rules and regulations been laid down by the community to stop any future reoccurrence".

"We are begging for your forgiveness and to please find a place in your heart to forgive us for the wrong doings and barbaric acts that had occurred in the past, as it will not repeat itself again".

"We are deeply sorry once again; we are all making use of this medium in promising the community that Sagamu shall be peaceful till the end of time".

"Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance.
22nd December, 2023".

"Long live Sagamu". Long live Ogun State!! Long live Nigeria!!!

In the same vein, the Neo Black Movement letter read, "we the above name organisation wants to use this medium to let the community know that we are peaceful organisation and we will remain one".

"We also want to use this medium to appreciate your efforts in making sure there's peaceful co-existence within Sagamu and Remo at large.

"We the above name organisation also promised to abide and co-operate with laid down rule and regulations henceforth .We promise to be good ambassadors of Sagamu and Remo at large.

"Conclusively, we might have erred in one way or the other during the recent imbroglio, we want to beg for your forgiveness Sir. Kabiyesi eyin agba le powe pe "omo enioni buru titi ka le fekun pa" toto o se bi owe sir 

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