The Carry Over Of Last Administration responsible for Nigeria's Problem - Hon. Prince Tunde Tella - The People's Voice


Friday, March 8, 2024

The Carry Over Of Last Administration responsible for Nigeria's Problem - Hon. Prince Tunde Tella

By Imisioluwa Famurewa, Abeokuta

The Honourable member of Ogun State House of Assembly, representing Abeokuta North State Constituency has described the present hardship in Nigeria as a carry over of last administration.

Hon, (Dr) Tunde Tella, Deputy Chief Whip Of The House Of Assembly, Representing Abeokuta North  State Constituency, Ogun State, stated this in an interactive session with our correspondence in his office.

  Prince Tella explained that, hunger is at the peak as far as Nigeria and Nigerians are concerned and that the negative effects are majorly being felt by the poor masses. 

"One thing to realize is that, this unbearable hardship has darkened  the country and was inflicted upon us by the previous administration."

In the light to his statement above, he asserted that the present  administration is  battling with how to make sure that they contain the hunger which is about to send everyone to the streets.

  "As individuals, whether severally or collectively, one motive is for us to try to push for the support of the present programs of the government which are geared towards alleviating the anguish and suffering in town by not being biased or with a sabotage mindset. 

He stated further " when things have been  destroyed for a long time, it takes a longer time in trying to revive or remedy the situation to the benefit of all. However, to him, What is sacrosanct is that,  we all need to go back to the farm".

 Government is in full support of going back to the farm because elderly ones farming are dying already due to old age, hence, there's need for the youths to   replace them in farming. 

 Painfully, he mentioned that the lack of security   has been the main problem and that's why many can't go to the farm which is leading to low harvest of farm produce.

   He urged government to do the needful to the rural dwellers so as to encourage them  because most of the people can be used to engage in farming. 

Full actions is needed as it's the responsibility of government to provide farming tools for the farmers because it's getting unbecoming since the era of using hoes and cutlass has gone and this is the more reason why we are lagging behind in the world economically. 

 Hon Tunde Tella added that, most of the countries where food items are imported from, they were Iike us years back. When colonisation is being talked about today, the only thing that led to this reform is for the fact that we were  enslaved by the European to forced labour on plantations in their respective country.
Along the line, there was industrialization and most of those people used have to be freed because they can now use tool to foster the effective work more than the manual form of correction.

  "Now the European are able to make larger production for themselves and even more than other communities due to the presence of technologies. They are able to release out for exportation to people in need and that was why they came back to Africa because they See us as Market. To this, Nigeria was been called a geographical feature meaning, Nigeria is a nation for the nations. More so, as a nation, we can also do the needful of what they are capable of doing today in Agriculture which if we go fully into action".

  Most of these raw Materials being used in their states are from Nigeria. Once we can start mechanadise farming, they will also have to be purchasing it from us as well.

   Many leaders in our country still believe we  have to be depending on all those people and this has put many to under developed country. Take a good look at AJAOKUTA today, where we can get it right to make cars with our own steel for ourselves, there won't be any need to start importing foreign cars to sabotage our currency. 

   Also in the area of electricity, government should make good efforts to balance the coaxed of electricity because without it, there can't be development because we are a country so mush blessed with lots of natural selection of resources which we only need to work on them to make it functional.

"I believe with president Tinubu with others can make things better if given more time to perform his official balancing in power. Now dollar is coming down but all we need to do is to be patient with the government to do the best most expecially in the area of Security because it's highly needed for the farmers to be able to go to farm.

Security should be properly provided for safety of lives and property to be Able to improve in all and mostly for the small scale Agriculture to strives higher.

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