Nigeria @63: Oluwo Expresses Optimism, Calls For Support For The fg - The People's Voice


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Nigeria @63: Oluwo Expresses Optimism, Calls For Support For The fg

By Alli Ibrahim

Sometimes we remember our teenage years in  reminiscence and smile. Our expression could be that of funny things we have improved on or certain mistakes we made. In such a situation, we derive strength in the areas of improvement while we work harder to have a better tomorrow.

Though, we got our independence so soon. Our emancipation cannot be reversed. Nigeria, as a country of heterogeneous combinations should convert the diversity to strengthen by speaking in unison to address our weakness and improve our strength. 

I strongly beseech all of us to support the leaders.  No patriot will deny his or her origin. Those presenting Nigeria in a bad image should have a change of approach. Will you all tell me you grow old the same day you were born?

I've royal conviction that Nigeria will be great. Let's express optimism in Nigeria even if we are not happy with her leaders. At 63, we can still kick and birth a new hope for an aspiring generation. 

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