An unrepentant impostor and chameleonic Gbenga Daniel - The People's Voice


Saturday, September 16, 2023

An unrepentant impostor and chameleonic Gbenga Daniel

By Olaniyi Ajibola, Abeokuta

The raging controversy regarding the demolition of an illegal structure in Ijebu-ode, supposedly belonging to the family of Otunba Gbenga Daniel, the former Governor of Ogun State has continued to generate reactions across the country and beyond.

At first, the potency of propaganda machine of the Daniels elicited some level of sympathy in some quarters, especially from those who are not familiar with the personality of the former Governor and who based their judgement on what they read on the social media, mainly from his foot soldiers.

However, the little sympathy was shot lived, when facts began to unfold as how the former Governor and Senator representing Ogun East Senatorial District brazenly violated Nigeria's extant laws with regards to business registration for lawful operation as enshrined in the Company and Allied Matters Act of 2020.

Perhaps, the most appalling of Daniel's manipulative tendencies is how himself and his wife continued to deceive the public by parading a mere enterprise as Limited Liability Company and criminally sought for approval to build and own property with the fake status.

Why Otunba Gbenga Daniel, as sitting Governor in 2009 recklessly abused his office by giving approval for an ordinary business enterprise known as DATKEM to build an edifice in the State against the dictates of the law concerning urban development can not be imagined by any critical mind.

Although, the recent revelation of Daniel's recklessness in power and deceptive inclination is not strange to many Nigerians, especially the people of Ogun State; it is on record that Otunba Gbenga Daniel ran the State as a personal business venture and family empire between 2003 and 2011.

The degree of lies and deceit he deployed to keep the people of the State in dark and perpetually at bay on the state of finance of the State for eight years, while he continued to loot the treasury and pilling up humongous debt for the State was 

That is the reason why after over a decade he left power, his shady deals in power continued to be exposed to the chagrin of many and to reinforce the perception of the majority about the chameleonic character.

Many analysts have argued that Daniel's physical appearance psychologically depicts total deceit; they allude to the way he steadily and strangely expose his teeth to reflect unwarranted laughter; in any case, it is incontrovertibly correct that Otunba Gbenga Daniel portrays a very treacherous personality that must not be trusted or taken seriously.

The recent issue of DATKEM practically gives credence to the above assertion. The pubic has become more aware of his atrocities and tissues of lies, I will, therefore, advise the Governor of the State, Prince Dapo Abiodun, to just ignore him and continue to deliver on his electoral promise.

Finally, Governor Abiodun should be commended for building strong Institutions in the State for systemic efficiency and functionality, as displayed by the Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development in this case of DATKEM ENTERPRISES.

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