Boko Haram Caught On His Way To Sambisa Forest, To Supply Logistics To Terror Group - The People's Voice


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Boko Haram Caught On His Way To Sambisa Forest, To Supply Logistics To Terror Group

By Our Correspondent

A ‘repentant’ Boko Haram terrorist who has been reintegrated back to Bama community in Borno State has been caught on his way to Sambisa Forest to supply various logistics to Boko Haram terror group.

The suspect was apprehended alongside two other collaborators at Barraram Village also known as Daula Merket.

“The three repentant terrorists who were residing in Bama community have been providing support ranging from food items, fuel, motorcycle tubes and tyres as well other Logistics to the terrorists.

Bama town has recorded many of such incident of repentant collaborating with terrorists against the NA troops,” the report say.

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