Four Bills Scale Second Reading In Ogun State House of Assembly - The People's Voice

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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Four Bills Scale Second Reading In Ogun State House of Assembly

By Yetunde Oluwo, Abeokuta

Four bills aimed at providing effective reconstruction, rehabilitation/ maintenance of rural roads; sourcing of funds through the establishment of a trust fund for the administration of all categories of roads, streamlining of the distribution of drug to curb fake drug supply and the provision of a legal backing for the establishment of Sacred Heart College of Nursing Sciences for sustained training of health care personnel in the State today scaled second reading on the floor of the Ogun State House of Assembly.

The bills are HB. No. 081/OG/2022- Ogun State Rural Access Road Agency Law, 2022, HB. No 082/OG/2022- the Ogun State Road Fund (SRF) and the Ogun State Roads Fund Board and Administration (OGSRFBA) Law, 2022, HB. No. 085/OG/2022- the Ogun State Drug and Health Commodity Management Agency Law, 2022 and HB. No 086/OG/2022- the Sacred Heart College of Nursing Sciences Law, 2022.

At the plenary presided over by the Speaker, Olakunle Oluomo, the State lawmakers in their various contributions to the bill on the State Rural Access Road Agency Law, 2022, said that the bill when operational would help ease human and vehicular movements as the rehabilitation and reconstruction of rural roads where necessary, would assist greatly in the transportation of farm produce to the various markets.

They added that such road projects further improve the livelihood and socio-economic wellbeing of rural dwellers, thereby addressing rural-urban migration.

Contributing to the bill on the Ogun State Road Fund, the lawmakers unanimously supported its speedy passage and timely implementation, saying it would serve as a great relief, as government alone could not shoulder the enormous responsibility, especially as the Assemblymen had at various times sought the intervention of both the State and Federal Government on the deplorable state of roads in their respective constituencies.

The stated that the legislation was targeted at sourcing for funds for the development and maintenance of all classes of roads through an all-inclusive arrangement in conjuction with the organized transport unions and Community Development Councils for equity and transparency.

The Lawmakers who took turn to throw their weight behind the Ogun State Drug and Health Commodity Management Agency Law, 2022, opined that that proposed bill was meant to address the existing gap in the health sector, thereby curbing the circulation of fake/ substandard drugs and other healthcare products through quality control/standard regulatory practices as all State-owned Health facilities would be made to receive drugs from a designated point of distribution being managed by the State government.

They added that it would promote efficiency in all categories of health facilities and further provide job opportunities for the unemployed youth across the State.  

On the Sacred Heart College of Nursing Sciences Law, 2022, the assemblymen said the it had become imperative for the State to assist in giving the necessary legal backing for the establishment of the  the age-long health establishment to continue to train reputable health practitioners, with a view to further enabling it  deliver on its mandate of instilling advanced knowledge in nursing and midwifery.     

Both Ogun State Drug and Health Commodity Management Agency Law, 2022 and Sacred Heart College of Nursing Sciences Law, 2022 scaled through first and second readings concurrently owing to its importance to the overall health well-being of the populace.

Responding, Speaker Olakunle Oluomo applauded his colleague -lawmakers for their robust contributions to the bills and thereafter referred them to House Committees on Rural Development, Works and Infrastructure, Oil, Gas, Energy, Water Resources and Rural Development as well as Health for further legislative actions.

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