Couple arrested human trafficking in Ogun State - The People's Voice

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Monday, October 31, 2022

Couple arrested human trafficking in Ogun State

By Yetunde Oluwo Abeokuta

Men of Ogun State Police Command has arrested  a couple, Mr Godday and Mrs Ebere Samuel for human trafficking. 

The suspects were arrested following a report lodged at Atan Ota Divisional police headquarters by one Adeniji Okikiolu, who reported that his 16 years old daughter, Maria Adeniji suddenly disappeared from home on the 16th of October 2022, and while search party was organized to look for her, he was informed by someone that the missing girl was seen with Ebere Samuel on the previous day.
Upon the information, Ebere Samuel was invited to the station, but she vehemently denied ever seen the missing girl on or before that day.

Not satisfied with her plea, she was subsequently detained at the station.

 But surprisingly, when her husband was contacted, the husband confessed to have taken the missing Maria to somewhere in Lagos for onward transportation to Burkina faso where she will be engaged as a maid to one of their associates. 

Preliminary investigation revealed that the couple has been into the business of human trafficking for sometime now and that their accomplices are in Burkina faso.

Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Police, CP Lanre Bankole has ordered the immediate transfer of the suspects to Anti Human Trafficking and Child Labour unit of the State Criminal Investigation Departments for discreet investigation and diligent prosecution. 

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