CCC Venerables turn to Kidnappers in Ogun - The People's Voice

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Thursday, August 18, 2022

CCC Venerables turn to Kidnappers in Ogun

By Our Correspondent

It was a sad story when a senior members of Celestial Church Christ in Abeokuta turn to Kidnappers along Ajah/Ijebu-Ode/old Lagos Abeokuta express road.

This information was revealed to the general publics in other to know is our leaders and who to follow in our respective societies.

The picture above shows four kidnapping syndicate who were nurtorious for picking up passengers at Ajah and dropping them off at Old Lagos Abeokuta Expressway. 

Their fifth accomplice ran away with the POS they used in extorting their victims. 

Many other confessions that is not good to be told. Very unfortunately; Our Venerable Most Evang. Adelabi Abayomi (MPIC), member and Harvest President 1 of C.C.C Comforter Cathedral, Egba Province Q Headquarter, Iberekodo Abeokuta, Ogun State 2021 Annual Adult Harvest was one of the purportedly reported culprits, and he was arrested along with the four unfortunate animals in human skin.

For those of us that knows him will recognize him with his big belle... 

 And to our surprise all team members involved in this syndicate were said to have been a respected Shepherds and Prophets who consult for them for spiritual prayers while they embarked on their very ungodly atrocities.

 Our shameful Ven. Most. Evang. Adelabi Abayomi got an MPIC nomination on first pay, first nominated process. 

 Confessions was made and names where mentioned.

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