EWEKORO LOCAL GOVT TRAINED THOUSAND OF FOOD & DRINK VENDORS IN THE COUNCIL AREA ...promises to improve sanitation and health of council's citizens. - The People's Voice


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Thursday, May 26, 2022

EWEKORO LOCAL GOVT TRAINED THOUSAND OF FOOD & DRINK VENDORS IN THE COUNCIL AREA ...promises to improve sanitation and health of council's citizens.


...promises to improve sanitation and health of council's citizens. 

By Sakiru Olapade, Itori

The Executive Chairman of Ewekoro Local Government, Hon Adesina Sikiru Adisa (ESKAY LODU) has pledged that no stone will be unturned to improve the sanitation and health of the council's citizens without relenting. 

    The Chairman who was represented by the Vice chairman, Hon Olabode Olasunkanmi Adegoke made the pledge during a day training workshop for the food and drink vendors, tagged, " HYGIENIC FOOD STORAGE, PREPARATION, SALE AND CONSUMPTION :A GENUINE  WAY TO STAY HEALTHY " at the local government secretariat, Itori. 

    The council boss explained that he would ensure regular support and funding of environmental sanitation activities, provision of essential drugs in the local government clinics and operatiing a functional clinical laboratory for early diagnosis of any type of diseases. 

  He stressed that the training will serve as a basis to update them on ideal technique on food preparation, storage and consumption as resource persons invited would touch all areas needed to prevent food borne diseases and promote health of the consumers, to confirm the popular concept of "Health is Wealth ".

    The chairman therefore used the occasion to implore the participants to give their unalloyed support to the present administration to create conducive atmosphere for every trader to thrive in their businesses while also reminding them not to forget to obtain permanent voters card to exercise their franchise during the forth-coming general election in the year 2023. 

   Earlier, welcoming the participants, the Director of Water and Environmental Sanitation, Sanitarian Badejoko T. A. appreciated them for their cooperation and good turn out at the workshop. 

    Sanitarian Badejoko, therefore, implored the participants to listen attentively as the resource persons who were thorough bred professional were carefully selected. 

 The participants at the technical session went through lectures with different topics that included :
*The requirement of regulated premises. 
*Food borne diseases : food handlers to break the chain. 
*The need for medical examination of food and handlers. 

   One of the food vendors who spoke with the Information crew, Mrs Rebecca Muyideen thanked the chairman for deeming it fit to organize this kind of workshop for food and drink vendors in the council area. 

    She said the workshop has opened their horizon to a better way of handling food preparation,storage and good environment. 

  Participants were presented with the certificate of participation at the end of the workshop.

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