APC Primaries: Four Political Groups Back Aspirant Ogunnaike For Odogbolu State Constituency - The People's Voice


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Saturday, May 21, 2022

APC Primaries: Four Political Groups Back Aspirant Ogunnaike For Odogbolu State Constituency

By Our Correspondent

Ahead of All Progressive Congress APC Primaries four political group Pledge support to Dennis Akinwale Ogunnaike Campaign Organisation (DAOCO), the Odogbolu Prosperity Group (OPG), the Ogunnaike Dennis Akinwale Supporters (ODAS) International and the #Dennis4OGHA23 Campaign Group have declared more interest in the forthcoming party primaries in Odogbolu local government throwing supports for Honourable Dennis Ogunnaike.

Ogunnaike, is currently eyeing the seat of Odogbolu state constituency at the Ogun State House of Assembly come 2023.

The group in a press statement by  Adenike Lucas on behalf of Dennis4OGHA Campaign group affirmed that it would be appropriate at this crucial  period of party primaries to checkmate some fabrications and lies flying around.

The statement read thus; "We want to categorically put to bed this stinking news and put it down to the gimmicks of our opponents, who are scared of the increasing popularity and acceptability of The Prosperity for Odogbolu Mandate.

"We want to assure all our supporters, home and abroad, that we are not only in the race, we are also coasting to a resounding victory by the special grace of the Almighty God, and the will of the majority of our people in Odogbolu State Constituency who desires prosperity for all and sundry. 

"Our candidate is consulting widely and garnering support towards the primaries of All Progressives Congress scheduled for the last week in May, and is enjoying unrivalled acceptability not only from leaders, but also the common man on the street of Odogbolu Local Govt area of the state who feel deprived of an intellectual legislative representation at the Ogun State House of Assembly. Also to the advantage of this aspiration is an unprecedented popularity amongst all Cadres of the Voting Publics in Odogbolu Local Government. 

"Our posters, billboards and jingles are everywhere in the 15 Wards of Odogbolu Local Government and the Prospering Together Agenda is gaining momentum. Together we are getting stronger by the hour! This alone has put enemies of progress into wild torment as the job they see as food for a select few is being threatened. 

"Of course, our aspiration is to let it be a source of hope for the common man and prosperity for all and Sundry in our Constituency. Like the saying goes, "the Difference Is Clear"; these are the reasons they are in continuous scheming with their hatchet plans to truncate this God's movement in multiple futile attempts. 

"We really do hope they realise, that the Prosperity for Odogbolu Mandate is God's Project powered by a network of highly intelligent youngsters, and as such any attempt to confront same is to directly be in contention with the Most High God. Who really can battle with the Lord? 

"Any discerning mind would read the mood of the nation in this 'Soro Soke' era to realise that electorates are actively yearning for intellectual youthful participation in the political process and governance, therefore young and innovative persons with requisite understanding of the complexities of governance and strategic leadership like Dennis Akinwale Ogunnaike should be encouraged to take mantle of leadership and provide effective solutions to the myriads of challenges facing our nation.

"This is the thinking behind the Candidacy of Prince Dennis Akinwale Ogunnaike who we recall has worked tirelessly in loyalty with his Principal Prince Dapo Abiodun MFR in the last 10 years and has been diligent in all tasks assigned to him. 

Dennis, a Public Policy Professional and Digital Technology Consultant is without a shred of doubt is best fit for the OGHA Job in this Digital Age. 

"It is public knowledge that the directive issued by the leadership of our great party, The All Progressives Congress in Ogun State was for leaders to appeal to multiple aspirants coming from the same source to rub minds and attempt voluntary withdrawal where aspirants who agree to step down for the "best foot" in the location be allowed to indicate and sign that he/she was doing so in the best interest of the party and not under any compulsion of coercion. 

"At no point whatsoever was any person however highly placed, saddled with the responsibility of disqualifying any Aspirant either at their Wards or Zones outside the provided voluntary withdrawal and Subtle Appeal Guidelines. 

"A section of our opponents in an opportunistic and self-glorifying manner, saw this window as an opportunity to usurp the rights of other aspirants to hurriedly declare themselves as "consensus candidates" in their wildest imagination, without any patience to follow the laid down guidelines established by the leadership of our great party, in connivance with a microscopic few whose bellies have become their Lords. 

"We wish to categorically state that the zonal APC leadership meeting held at Imodi on the 18th day of May 2022 with the 3 Aspirants from Ifesowapo (as seen in the attached image; 2 Aspirants from Ward 1, Male and Female, and 1 Aspirant from Ward 2) all present, was abruptly brought to a close and adjourned with no conclusion reached as it became obvious that a sponsored agenda was being pushed, to undermine the will of the majority present at the meeting which was vehemently resisted. 

"It is worthy of note that Prince Dennis Akinwale Ogunnaike is a cross-breed between being a well grounded politician and a technocrat, who has instituted a number of transformational projects and welfare support for his constituents which makes him the leading aspirant in his constituency. 

"We urge members of the public, our party leadership, and our teeming supporters to ignore any such result of a purported election conducted at Ifesowapo Zone of Odogbolu Local Government being peddled around by enemies of Ifesowapo, our great party and the government of Prince Dapo Abiodun MFR, who are only doing the bidding of their paymasters. It must be sufficiently emphasised that the Era of "Jegudu-Jera" and Amala Politics is long extinct like the Dodo. 

"It should be sufficiently emphasised that as loyal party people who have worked diligently for the Stability of the All Progressives Congress in Ogun State where it mattered most, we are not against the suggestion to evolve consensus Aspirants at any level, but our position remain that this has to be done in strict compliance with the provided guidelines and adherence to the instructions that accompanied the suggestion especially the need to put the best foot forward and should rather not be a process to seek political revenge or further any sponsored political agenda against the popular wishes of the majority.

"We urge our teeming-supporters accross the globe, delegates and volunteers across the 15 Wards of Odogbolu Local Government to remain focused on the Mandate and continue to prepare for the Gand Daddy of all primaries ever witnessed in our political history, where we shall re-elect our Digital Governor,  Prince Dr. Dapo Abiodun MFR to continue his various transformational initiatives and Prince Dennis Akinwale Ogunnaike as the flag bearer to contest in the 2023 OGHA Elections for Odogbolu State Constituency God's willing. Indeed, we shall, and we are definitely prospering together !".

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