Fans blast Ibrahim Chatta for celebrating MC Olumo - The People's Voice

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Sunday, April 10, 2022

Fans blast Ibrahim Chatta for celebrating MC Olumo

By Our Correspondent

 Many have blasted Nigerian actor Ibrahim Chatta for celebrating MC Olumo after Lagos State Government appointed him, as the chairman of its Parks Management Committee. 

 As expected, the Lagos State Government appointed the sacked chairman of Lagos NUTRW, MC Oluomo, as the chairman of its Parks Management Committee. 

 Also, former Assistant Inspector General of Police, Hakeem Odumosu, was appointed as the Liaison Officer between the government and the committee. 

Reacting to this, Ibrahim Chatta took to his social media page to celebrate MC Oluomo, he wrote: "Congratulations Olu’lu The Olu Omo of Africa, Olu Omo worldwide @kingmcoluomo Many of his fans were disappointed in his action in supporting MC Oluomo".

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