Lagos State Government release Details Of Abducted BRT Driver To Publics - The People's Voice

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Sunday, March 6, 2022

Lagos State Government release Details Of Abducted BRT Driver To Publics

By Oluwayemisi Oloyede

This is the face of the driver who abducted Bamishe eight days ago. He's a BRT driver working with the Lagos state department of transportation.

 His names are Nice Andrew Omininikoron with phone number 07055734213. 

He's currently on the run including his guarantor. Lagos state government who employed him claimed not have his details including his residential address. 

Meanwhile, the Lagos state government has not released any official statement on the matter till now. 

 Lagos state government commercial bus, BRT is now used for abductions, ritual killing and all sorts. BRT is no longer a safe means of transportation in Lagos state. Please keep sharing until this driver is found.

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