Woman crushes husband's dick for starving her of sex - The People's Voice


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Sunday, February 6, 2022

Woman crushes husband's dick for starving her of sex

By Our Correspondent

The 17-year old marriage between Olanrewaju Adeniran and his wife, Fatima, has collapsed after Fatima allegedly crushed Olanrewaju’s dick during a public fight for starving her of sex for the past three years.

It was reported that the embittered Fatima accused her husband, Olanrewaju, of neglecting his responsibility as husband for those years by not taking care of her emotional needs with his dick.

The alleged crushing has led the man, Olanrewaju, to file a suit before the Customary Court Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State, seeking for the dissolution of his marriage to Fatima.

Olanrewaju also sought for divorce on grounds that Fatima was rude, had become a threat to his life and feared that she may kill him one day if he continues with the marriage.

Testifying before the Court, Olanrewaju admitted that he stopped sleeping with his embattled wife, Fatima, because she said he smells.

“My wife started misbehaving after we got married in May, 1995.

“She has no respect for me as the head of the home. She addresses me rudely and is always ready to fight me. Any time Fatima fights with me, she will beat me and grab my dick. She has a caustic tongue and ridicules me before our neighbours and family members. Fatima calls me a bastard and lazy man. She uses so many unprintable words on me in their presence.”

Olanrewaju told the Court that Fatima had been arrested by the Police at the Iyana-Church Police Station for causing breach of peace in the neighbourhood in 2004.

“Fatima is also always rude to my mother and relatives. She treats them with contempt, “the plaintiff said.

In her defence, Fatima alleged that her husband neglected his responsibilities towards her and their four children.

“He cares less if we (family) existed or not and was not bothered about our children’s education. He hasstarved me sex for the past three years.”

The Court President, Mrs. M.A. Akintayo, after listening to both parties, noted sadly that they have failed to show good example to their children, who were present in Court.

She adjourned the case and ordered the couple to return with their witnesses. The parties were advised to maintain peace pending the conclusion of the ongoing hearing and subsequent judgement on the matter

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