Breaking: Oba Akinyemi bags Rotary Award of Excellent - The People's Voice

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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Breaking: Oba Akinyemi bags Rotary Award of Excellent

By Adisa Mayokun, Abeokuta

His Royal Majesty Oba Dr Ebenezer Akintunde Akinyemi Eselu of Iselu Kingdom has bags 2022 Rotary Club  Appreciation awards from District 9110 Ibara GRA, Abeokuta..

The award ceremony was held on Sunday 30th of January, 2022 at   Conference hotel hall, Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.

According to Rotarian Muyiwa Mayou Fajimi Charter President said,  recognition of your outstanding performance, dedication and invaluable contribution towards the service to humanity.

Oba Ebenezer Akintunde Akinyemi Eselu of Iselu Kingdom, Ketu in Yewa North Local Government, he was known as a educationist, philanthropist, kind man and a man that always think about the interest of others.

Eselu who have used his personal connection to Developed Eselu and Ketu land as a whole.

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