Bill for establishment of Federal Polytechnic Sagamu scale second reading - The People's Voice

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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Bill for establishment of Federal Polytechnic Sagamu scale second reading

By Our Correspondent

The establishment of Federal Polytechnic Sagamu Bill by Distinguished Senator Olalekan Mustapha, Senator representing Ogun East Senatorial District has Scaled Second Reading In Senate,  ' Bill for an Act to establish the Federal Polytechnic Shagamu' to provide full-time courses in technology, applied science, management and other fields of studies and to make provisions for the General Administration and for other related matters, 2022 (SB. 779) by Senator Olalekan Mustapha. 

Senator Olalekan Mustapha in his lead debate said the establishment of the Federal Polytechnic Sagamu will balance the geo political spread of higher institutions in the state. 

He added that the Enactment of the Bill will help in transforming the educational fortunes in Nigeria. Senator Tolu Odebiyi, in supporting the Bill, commended Sen Lekan Musthapa, the mover of the Bill. “To me, any Bill that seeks to further education is a Bill that I will always support and this is particularly even apt because it focuses on science, technology and management. 

"I believe this Bill, if passed, will enhance the learning and further improve the lives of the citizens of Ogun State, most especially the people of Sagamu.” 

 The Bill was read the Second time and referred to the Committee on Tertiary Institutions and TETFUND to report back within Four Weeks.


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