Photo from Olayinka Kolawole Olawale - The People's Voice

Breaking, pub-4055049956127134, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Photo from Olayinka Kolawole Olawale


President Tinubu Direct The Special Presidential Committee On Emergency Food Intervention To Act Immediately And Address The Rising Cost Of Food Items With The Following Interventions :

1- Federal Government To Release Food Items From The National Food Reserves For Availability And Reduction In Costs.

2-Federal Government To Engage Major Manufacturers And Commodity Traders.

3-Provide Food Subsidy In Efforts To Boost Food Availability Across The Country. 

4-Provide Support To Local Farmers , Plants To Ensure Massive Production. 

5-Federal Government To Move Against Saboteurs Hoarding And Inflating  Prices .

6-Work With State Governors To Boost Food Security Programmes.

More Interventions Expected  !!!

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