Embrace the new year with an open heart - Ogun NIPR urges Nigerians - The People's Voice


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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Embrace the new year with an open heart - Ogun NIPR urges Nigerians

The Ogun State Chapter of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations has urged the Nigerian populace to radiate joy, embrace the new year with an open heart and rest their hope solely on God.

The Chapter in a New Year message signed by its Chairman, Mrs Oluwaseun Boye observed that the new year is filled with possibilities, hence the need for the people to dream big, maintain an open heart, keep hope alive and believe in themselves and principally look up to God for a fulfilling year ahead.

She said "As the new year draws close, I hope it's filled with the promises of a hopeful tomorrow. With the new year on the horizon, I wish that you embrace it with an open heart and go forward with faith, hope, and courage. You have come so far already, just think of how much you'll grow in the year to come,".

While saying that the year 2023 with all its attendant ups and downs and daunting challenges should be left behind, the Ogun NIPR Chairman urged the pepulace to approach the new year with a renewed vigour, and resolve to be in high spirit by resting their hope on God for a fulfilling year ahead, irrespective of the circumstances.

Mrs Boye said "The year 2023 with its attendant challenges is gone by and the year 2024 is a brand new year that must be approached with high hopes and expectations.

"It is common knowledge that Nigeria is undergoing serious reform under a new administration which calls for lots of sacrifices and patience, I wish to urge you to approach the new year with a new spirit and hope, bearing In mind that the new year is pregnant with new possibilities and realities", the NIPR chairman said.

While congratulating the populace on the celebration of the birth of Christ- Chtistmas, Mrs Boye urged them to extend the themes of love, generosity, kindnes, and goodwill towards others exhibited during the Christmas period into the New Year.

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